Vouchers Experts Motions Forms Admin Letters


This website is designed to make the job of 18B attorneys somewhat easier. Here you will find links to other helpful websites that will enable you to access Supreme Court decisions, Court of Appeals decisions and a multitude of legal articles on various legal questions that confront the criminal or family court practitioner on a daily basis.

March 11, 2025


Nassau County
New York

Assigned Counsel Defender Plan


Message From The Administrator

Welcome to the Website of the Nassau County Assigned Counsel Defender Plan. It is my hope that the information you find here will assist you in the representation of your 18B clients.

There is much explanatory information on this website regarding the 18B program, including our policies, procedures and requirements, but there is also a great deal of information that relates to the defense of criminal cases generally, including primers on different areas of law, recent cases, strategies regarding problem areas, sample motions and forms and links to other helpful websites.

If you are not yet a member of our 18B program, please take a minute to review our qualifications. If you fulfill them, and if you have a sincere desire to help the indigent, you can download an application and return it to me at the Nassau County Bar Association. I will act on it immediately. My thanks go out to all of our current panelists, and my regards go out to all others, with the hope that you will join our ranks in the near future.

Robert Nigro

To download forms, vouchers & view files in this site you will need "Adobe Reader":  


The Nassau County Assigned Counsel Defender Plan has been in existence since 1966.

Our Experts

We currently have over 100 experts in various fields who stand ready to assist our attorneys in the defense of the indigent.
We currently have over 260 attorneys on our various panels


The rate for 18B case work of all types (family, felony, misdemeanor, and appellate) is $158 per hour.


Nassau County
Assigned Counsel Defender Plan
15th & West Sts
Mineola, NY, 11501
Phone 747-8448
Fax # 873-8032

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