We have an Expert's Panel, consisting of experts in various fields.
Orders must first be obtained for services of experts (including
interpreters and investigators). Applications for such Orders should
be made ex parte. The fact of your application and the factual basis
on which it rests are privileged and will remain unavailable to
the prosecutor until the case is concluded. At present, the statutory
limit is $1000 (County Law § 722c). If services will cost more
than $1000, counsel should prepare a Supplemental Order for the
Court, outlining in specific language the need for extraordinary
services in excess of the statutory maximum. Need and indigency
must be shown must be shown in the affidavit. It is far easier to
have the court approve an extra expense before it's incurred than
afterward. It is counsel's responsibility to assist the expert in
recovering fees for services rendered. This is especially true of
investigators who routinely run up high bills.
Where counsel believes that an investigator is necessary, he/she
should apply to the Court for an order, unless circumstances dictate
that an investigator be employed immediately; in that case, counsel
should later apply for a non-pro-tunc order.
Counsel should not pay the investigator or any expert out of his/her
own funds. The expert should submit his/her own voucher as soon
as the services are completed. Counsel should approve the voucher
and it should be submitted to the Administrator for submission
to the court for approval of payment.
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